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Here at ShareIn we strongly believe that equity crowdfunding offers a more democratic form of finance that allows individuals to decide what they do with their own money. This video gives an excellent view on the the case for change.

Transforming Finance demonstrates the growing movement for financial systems change. It is an inspiring and compelling story that sets the vision of a new future for the financial system.  It asks questions that challenge the status quo.

Set against the backdrop of explanations of the shortcomings within the existing financial system, such as short-termism, banks too big to fail, and lack of competition or transparency for consumers. Leading advocates of change, and Finance Lab community members, including Andy Haldane, Bank of England, Baroness Susan Kramer and the economist and academic John Kay, spell out the cost to society of the existing system.

“What we have is a financial system that has evolved in ways in which it very largely serves itself rather than the needs of the non-financial economy” John Kay


It’s really worth watching.





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