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“Do not try to do everything. Do one thing well”

- Steve Jobs

Popular start-up advice is to focus on doing one thing well. Our one thing was making a great direct investment platform for companies that want to raise money from their audience of investors. We’ve done this well.

We design, build and host your platform and we provide regulatory cover for your investment operations. If you are starting an investment website from scratch we think there’s no better option than to use our white label platform and our regulatory cover.

The crowdfunding and the direct investment market has come a long way since ShareIn started. Operator business models have stabilised and regulatory structures have come into effect. There are now many established platforms that have proven themselves to be viable businesses providing both value to investors and to deal owners.

This is all good news for the industry and for investors alike. But it’s somewhat of a conundrum for us.

“Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.”

- Henry Ford

How do we help if you want to improve an existing platform? For example, by making your payments compliant with ISA regulations? For a long time our only answer was switching your whole website to us. That is a big ask, and understandably not always an attractive proposition.

From making direct investment platforms to enabling investment business.

We remain confident that we provide a first class investment platform and we encourage businesses to seriously evaluate the benefits of using our platform. But we appreciate that for many companies their platforms represent a significant investment and are tailored to their own operational setup.

Our one thing needed to change. We had to become flexible so we could solve specific business problems in existing established platforms. We needed a modular software approach.

A modular approach

We’re still focused on doing one thing well, but that is now a bigger thing; we don’t just make investment platforms, we now enable investment business.

We have software modules that work together or separately and with your existing platform.

Today our modular software and services setup covers direct investment tools, ISA management and APIs, appointed representative cover, payments management and API’s, and CASS reporting.

These modules can be configured and delivered to work with your existing business operations. Take the whole bunch or pick and choose to suit your setup. Our goal is to enable your investment business.

If you’d like to find out more about having your own investment platform or the software modules that enable your investment business then please feel free to get in touch and speak to one of our experts.

Enable change with direct investment