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Photo of autumn trees next to a body of water in the Scottish Highlands. Photo credit: Highlands Rewilding.

[Photo credit: Highlands Rewilding]

Highlands Rewilding announced plans earlier this autumn in the Scotsman to raise further capital to enable it to scale its nature recovery and community prosperity goals in the Highlands of Scotland. The company will be seeking equity from “citizen rewilders” via a crowdfunding campaign to be launched later this year running from December – February using ShareIn’s direct investment and payments technology.

Founder Dr Jeremy Leggett told the Scotsman, “In the first two years of this project, we have made a good start in rewilding science, land-management for nature recovery, and community involvement. By ramping up all these in our third year, we are aiming for a meaningful contribution to the Scottish Government’s effort to hit its ambitious climate and biodiversity targets, while also helping with the dire land inequality problem in Scotland.”

The crowdfunding raise comes at a time of global climate and biodiversity crisis, when Scotland has the opportunity to be a world leader in rewilding and nature restoration. Dr Leggett published a column last month in the Scotsman on what he believes is needed to fulfil the Scottish Government’s plans to halt biodiversity decline by 2030.

In the leadup to the launch of their next funding campaign, on 1st November Highlands Rewilding scooped up the Adapting Scotland Award at the Scottish Environment Business Awards (VIBES Awards), which “reward and recognise organisations that have demonstrated significant business benefits from good environmental practice.”

Enable change with direct investment